News Letters

We produce a weekly news sheet and monthly Parish Magazine. The Parish Magazine is available in the Bell Tower and via our website. 

Key news items are also shared on our website here.


Fr Campbell

Fr Campbell will be with us next Sunday (26 February) at the 10.00am service where we will have the opportunity to thank him for all that he has done for St Mark’s over the years.

Lent Lunches

Lent is fast approaching and we will be holding our Lent Lunches again. Could you host a lunch?

Women's World Day of Prayer

Events will be held locally on Friday 3rd March at St Jospeh's in Redhill and Reigate Park Church.

Choral Evensong - 26th February

The Godfrey Searle Choir from St Mary’s will lead us in worship in a service of Choral Evensong from the Book of Common Prayer.

Parish Quiet Day

Parish quiet day, Saturday 4th March 2017.

East Surrey Organists' Association - AGM and Recital

On Saturday 28 January the East Surrey Organists’ Association is holding its Annual General Meeting and a recital at St Mark’s

Pilgrim Course - 2017

The next module of the Pilgrim Course on the Bible will start on Wednesday 22 February at 8.00pm and Thursday 23 February at 9.45am. More details soon.

SMOAT Family Beetle Drive

Sunday 5th March sees the SMOAT beetle drive return.

St Mark's Afternoon Retirement Team - 2017 events

SMART run monthly events for everyone of retirement age. The 2017 schedule of events has now been confirmed.

SMOATathon 2017

SMOATathon 2017 is 5½ hours of non-stop music raising money for a project in Zambia.

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