Vicar: Reverend Martin Colton
Tel: 01737 241161
Martin is the vicar at St Mark's. Having been a professional musician and a teacher, he is especially interested in working with young people and developing our music and worship. He is also the first point of contact for many people and visits people in their homes and in the various care homes of the parish. "Being the vicar at St Mark's means that I have the privilege of meeting and caring for so many people at all stages of their lives."
Curate: Reverend Reg Grant
Tel: 01737 241161
Reg is the Curate or Assistant Priest at St Mark's. He is a Self-supporting Priest involved in all aspects of Parish life.
Ian Archer Lay Reader 
Ian takes home communions in many of the local retirement and nursing homes and has strong links with the local Sea Cadet unit, having been their chaplain for many years.
Sarah Cousins Lay Reader
Sarah leads St Mark’s Afternoon retirement Team (SMART) a social group for older people and is interested in spirituality of the second half of life. She has retired from being an NHS mental health chaplain and now enjoys having more time for reading, baking and forest bathing.
Susannah Dyde Lay Reader
Susannah has, for many years, headed up the Junior Church. When not teaching the harp or singing, she cycles with her husband Keith and is one of the team that manages the building project for Sarah Junior School in Kibera, a slum district in Nairobi.
The ministry team at St Mark’s meets about once a month to discuss services, any special events and pastoral matters.