Easter Club 2017

The St Mark’s Church Easter Holiday Club runs from 9.30am to 2.15pm on Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th April in the St Mark’s Church Centre in Alma Road. It is open to primary school children aged 5 to 11 inclusive. The children will be taking part in a range of fun activities including craft, drama, music, games and baking and learning about the Easter story. Friday 14th April is our Good Friday family service and the children will be involved in either drama, singing or reading prayers.

On both Tuesday and Wednesday registration begins at 9.30am and the children should bring a packed lunch. Please do not arrive before this time. At the end of the day parents/carers should come to collect their children and sign them out of the club. After this time parents/carers are responsible for their children until they leave the Church Centre.

On Friday children should be accompanied and may need to arrive at 9.30am for a rehearsal. The family service starts at 10am and there will be hot cross buns and refreshments afterwards.

There is a minimal charge of only £10 per child for the two days to cover the cost of materials. Families with three or more children attending get one child free. This amount does not however cover the costs of heating and the use of the church facilities. If you would like to make a donation towards these costs this would be greatly appreciated.

Please complete the registration form and put in an envelope marked ‘Easter Holiday Club’ with the appropriate monies through the Vicarage door (8 Alma Road). Places are limited so please apply as soon as possible. The closing date is Friday 24th March 2017 and you will receive confirmation of your child’s place via email.

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