News Letters

We produce a weekly news sheet and monthly Parish Magazine. The Parish Magazine is available in the Bell Tower and via our website. 

Key news items are also shared on our website here.


Holy Week and Easter Services

The times of our Holy Week and Easter Services can be found here.

Report And Accounts For 2021

The Annual Report and Accounts For 2021 have now been published.

Ukraine Appeal

St Mark's Church and SMOAT encourage you to make a donation to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) appeal either directly or via our donate page or via the church at services.

Parish Giving Scheme

We are launching a new way of regular giving to the parish. Please go to the Donate page for details.

Ash Wednesday

On Ash Wednesday 2 March 2022 we have Services of Holy Communion with Ashing at 11am and 8.00pm.  All welcome.

St Mark's Dances

The next Ballroom and Latin dance is on Saturday 26 March 2022 from 8pm. £8 entry on the door by card or cash. All welcome.

Christmas Services

Details of our Christmas Services can be found here

Remembrance Sunday

On 14 November we will be remembering all those who have given their lives in the fighting for peace and justice in the two world wars and in subsequent wars and conflicts. The Service will start at 9.45am in Church and online with the Act of Remembrance at the Reigate War Memorial outside the Church at 11.00am. The Collection that day in Church will be given to Combat Stress, a charity that supports disabled veterans and their families. Any gifts made online between 11 November and 15 November will also be donated to this worthy charity. Please be generous in your support. Our thanks to Jo Cooper for playing the Last Post and Reveille.


There will be a Confirmation Service in St Mark’s at 4.00pm on Sunday 7 November 2021 when we will be welcoming Bishop Jonathan to the parish for the last time.

Family Services and Messy Church

The dates for the next few Sunday afternoon services are: Sunday 31 October Family Service at 4 Sunday 21 November Messy Church at 4 Sunday 5 December Family Service at 4 Sunday 12 December Messy Church at 4

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