Formal Opening Of Our New Kitchen

On Sunday 4 November we will be officially opening the Kitchen after the 10.00am service. Representatives from the Council, including the Deputy Mayor, and from some of the grant making bodies that have given us grants will join us at the service at which everyone is welcome.

Please join us at the service and for refreshments afterwards.

A Summary Of The Project - So Far!

The kitchen in the hall at St Mark’s church was over 30 years old and in desperate need of updating. Our project was to remove the existing kitchen and extend it to create a larger area with modern and hygienic facilities for the immediate benefit of our community and for many years to come.

We visited local church kitchens, consulted users and relevant guidelines to decide what we would need. We agreed a design, obtained quotes and started fundraising and applying for grants. We were delighted that in just nine months we had been awarded grants of over £75,000 and received donations of over £15,000 which together with money raised
from events enabled the project to go ahead over the summer holidays. We are very grateful to the many grantors and donors.

The kitchen is now in use and all the many groups that use our hall can continue to enjoy food served from our new kitchen and the companionship that goes along with that. These groups include our monthly Community Lunch for the elderly, our monthly Messy Church for local families, our recently launched monthly Vintage Tea, the Winter Night Shelter for rough sleepers and the weekly Parent and Toddler group. Voluntary Action Reigate and Banstead are also looking forward to coming back for a third year on Christmas Day to provide a lunch for those who would otherwise be on their own.

Our kitchen has been transformed! But...

We still need to raise funds for the final phase of the project which is to replace the folding doors to the Committee Room as these can no longer be operated fully following the extension. If you would like to make a donation, cheques should be made payable to St Mark’s PCC or donations can be made online.

Please gift aid any donations if you can as the project benefits by an additional £25 per £100 donated.Many thanks as always for all your support.

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