You may have heard that our Churchwardens, Ken Packer and Paul Selvadurai, are standing down this year. Churchwardens represent the congregation and the parish in maintaining and developing the fabric of the church and the environment for services and worship.
Elections for Churchwardens and Deputy Wardens will take place at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on 28 April.
Last year Paul and Ken offered and arranged with Fr Martin to be available for the succession planning and induction of their successors and to offer help, advice or information wherever we can.
Perhaps you are interested in the role or just in knowing more about it. If would like to know more about the role and take the opportunity to shadow a service with a duty warden or to chat about the duties and responsibilities of the role as well as the pleasure and opportunities it brings, please get in touch with Ken or Paul via the Parish office.
If you think there is someone who would be interested in this role, or becoming a deputy Churchwarden and part of the team, please let them know.