St Mark's Reigate

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Annual Gift Day 22nd May 2021

St Mark’s Gift Day 2021

This year we have chosen Saturday 22nd May to launch our Annual Giving which is exactly 161 years since St Mark’s was opened and dedicated. Full details of what Gift Day is, why funds are needed and how to donate can be found below. If you are able to gift aid your donation and we do not hold a gift aid declaration for you please complete this form.

What is Gift Day?

Our Annual Gift Day is an opportunity for all who come to our church and church centre, together with those living in the community, to make a one-off donation to the ongoing work of St Mark’s and to the running costs of the church buildings.

When is Gift Day?

Gift Day will be on Saturday 22nd May. This date marks exactly 161 years since St Mark’s was opened and dedicated. Our ‘Gift ‘Day’ is really the launch of a time of annual giving as gifts will be welcomed until the end of June.

Why do we need Gift Day

In any year the income received from regular planned giving and collections at services covers only around two thirds of the outgoings. We rely on the extra money received on Gift Day together with some rental income to make up the shortfall. Income from the hire of our hall facilities usually covers the hall running costs.

Why is Gift Day particularly important this year

In the past year our church and hall have been closed for significant periods and only in use between lockdowns for permitted activities. Although we have continued to meet virtually, many people have not been inside the church buildings for over a year. Our income has obviously been impacted. As we open up gradually, we are incurring all the costs of running the church centre but income is still reduced. Hopefully we will be back to ‘normal’ soon.

How can you donate

Please donate by bank transfer to the following HSBC account:

Name of Account: SAINT MARK, REIGATE
Sort Code: 40 18 22
Account Number: 72393263

(Please use ‘Gift Day’ as the reference and make sure to select ‘Paying a Business’)

Alternatively, cheques made payable to ‘Saint Mark Reigate’ can be brought to the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Sunday 23 May or posted to the address above. If you are able to Gift Aid your donation the church will receive an additional 25%. If we do not already have a gift aid declaration from you, please complete this form.


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